Headquarters - Factory


Street: Adapazarı – Bilecik Yolu 9.Km

District: Karaçam Köyü 54700

State, City, Country: Geyve, Sakarya, Turkey

Phone, E-mail, Fax

Phone: (+90) 264 527 03 01 / 06 / 07

E-mail: info@edkosan.com

Fax: (+90) 264 527 03 08

Working Hours

Mon - Fri: 8.00 - 18.00

Saturday: We are closed

Sunday: We are closed

Istanbul - Office


Street: Mesih Paşa Mh. Mesihpaşa Cad. 1

Building: Erseven İş Mrk. K:5

State, City, Country: Fatih, Istanbul, Turkey

Phone, E-mail, Fax

Phone: (+90) 212 638 12 77

E-Mail: edkosan.ltd@gmail.com

Fax: (+90) 212 516 39 97

Working Hours

Mon - Fri: 9.00 - 18.00

Saturday: 9.00 - 13.00

Sunday: We are closed

Contact Us

You can contact us for all your questions regarding our production processes, manufacturing, sales and our institution by filling out the form below.

    [text your-phone placeholder"Phone]